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Thursday, 31 October 2013

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween!

In the spirit of halloween i came across some hilariously cheesy halloween related jokes for you to enjoy. 

Why couldn't the ghost see its mum and dad?
Because they were Trans-parents!

Why do ghosts like to ride in elevators?
It raises their spirits.

Whats a goblins favorite cheese?

What do you do if you want to know more about dracula?
You join his fang-club.

Knock knock
Who's there?
Dishes who?
Dishes a very bad halloween joke!

I hope you had(or have, depending on where you live in the world) a fun halloween and got enough candy to last you until next year.

Ta Ta For Now 

25 Facts About Me

25 facts about me 

1. I am 14 years old.

2. I dislike mornings, especially on a monday!

3. I pretty much hate feet and my friends always tease me about it.. gotta love them tho haha +Mikayla Anderson.

4. I was born in England :)

5. I moved to Australia when I was 11.

6. Whenever I paint my nails I normally end up only doing 1 hand and then taking it off because I don't have the skill to even attempt to do the other one.

7. I LOVE the royal family.

8. My favorite movies are: Tangled, Mean Girls, Hairspray, Chicago and Pitch Perfect (I know I know I'm so stereotypical)

9. Im right handed.

10. I have a MASSIVE fear of bees and wasps :shudders:  

11. I love tacos and mashed potatoes and if I could eat them everyday I would...Not together tho.

12. The sun makes me happy :D 

13. I don't like having the T.V volume on 13 and I don't have a clue why.

14. I love American shows like Dance Moms, Toddlers And Tiaras and my absolute favorite :Drum Roll Please: Here Comes Honey Boo Boo, which annoys my parents because i insist on watching them every time there on.

15. My favorite song of the moment is "Can We Dance" by The Vamps.

16. When I was younger I loved broccoli but now i hate it!  

17. I'm an older sister to my brother William (Liam) we fight alot but if anyone was to hurt him they better watch out.

18. I have the most supportive and incredible friends in the world :) love you guys <3 

19. When I was about 8 I became really scared of fires and I packed all my stuff in bags and planed an escape route for if the house caught on fire. I was a strange kid.

20. I attempt to go to bed by 9:00 every night but it rarely happens.

21. I really dislike to wear long sleeved tops.

22. I'v always wanted to go to California.

23. I'm really bad at spelling. Thank god for spell check!

24. Drinking hot chocolate always makes me feel sick but I still do it all the time.

25. I'm going on a cruise in less than a week with my best friend and I'm so so so exited.

So there you go, a full 25 random facts about me. I hope you got some enjoyment from reading this, I quite enjoyed writing it to be honest.

Ta Ta For Now 

Monday, 28 October 2013



Hi there,

iv finally (after months of saying i would) decided to dive into the world of blogging. A happy place i can escape to and hopfully a place you can learn something new. Who knows what could happen! With a little motivation you can create anything so let the Fashion, make up, hair, craft and other delightful things of D.I.Y. begin.

ta ta for now xx